During this unprecedented period if you are experiencing financial difficulties before you make any decision to cancel your Insurance Policies or to suspend payments into your Pension or Savings Plan why not contact us for a Free review of these policies as there are many options available. It is still very important to ensure that you have Protection in place for your family should anything happen to you, and we will still require an income at Retirement. So ensure to have these reviewed as they are a priority.
These are unsettling and challenging times, with widespread financial impacts on people who may have lost their jobs or experienced a significant reduction in income. WE want to reassure you that we are focused on helping any customers financial affected and struggling to pay their premiums following the unprecedented impacts on our economy caused by Civid-19. We are continuing business as usual and we are here to work with you in this situation to find a suitable solution, as there are options now available.
Should you have any queries regarding the options available to you regarding the premiums payable on your policy please do not hesitate to contact us. |
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March 2023