If you have Life Cover in your policy you receive the Terminal Illness benefit automatically. This is that if you are diagnosed with a Terminal Illness and have less than 12 months to live, the company providing your life cover will pay the full amount of your life cover on the date of your diagnosis. This earlier payment allows you to make plans while you are still alive and ensure your dependents are looked after financially. There will be no further payment made from the policy on death when Terminal Illness benefit has been claimed.
We are currently running great discount promotions on some of our Protection Policies. You can avail of a massive 17.5% off any new life assurance policy. There is a 15% discount off Mortgage Protection Policies and a 10% discount off any Serious Illness Policy. This makes it an opportune time for you to review your current Protection Policies as with thee discounts applied you might be able to secure a more competitive premium. Also don't forget we provide FREE Financial Reviews!! These discounts will be offered until 29th June 2020. *Terms & Conditions do apply.
As you know, there are widespread financial impacts on people who may have lost their jobs or experienced a significant reduction in income due to the Covid-19 pandemic. While the government and many private companies are offering assistance and support to anyone affected, it can sometimes be difficult to know where to go for up-to-date information on what help is available. With that in mind, Royal London have developed a guide with some tips for how to manage your finances during the challenging times we find ourselves in. In times like these, as you know, it’s important to make sure your financial security is protected. Being proactive about your finances, especially if they’re causing stress, is a fundamental part of keeping safe and well. So we have attached below a guide done by Royal London which outlines great tips for managing your finances during difficult times. We hope you enjoy and benefit from this.
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March 2023