Sometimes the role of a financial adviser can be viewed a little too narrowly. It can be seen as an initial burst of energy and value where the adviser helps you identify your financial goals, recommends products to help you achieve them and then helps you get everything set up properly. This is then followed by an annual meeting where everything you have is reviewed to ensure you stay on track.
We like to think we add a bit more value than this, sometimes in ways that aren’t so visible to you. Being your financial guardian angel in the background is an important role that we play. We help you stay focused on the plan It can be so easy to get distracted by external factors – how markets are performing, Covid, Brexit – the list is endless. Yes we need to be aware of all factors, but every external shock does not require action. We’ll help you to stay focused on your plan and the progress you are making towards your objectives. So as events happen, we’ll guide you back to your plan. We’ll review it and if needed we’ll adjust the investment strategy in line with the plan. We’ll help you make calm, strategic decisions as opposed to reactive and panicked ones. We help you make sense of volatility Volatility is not the great enemy, in fact it can be good for your wealth! It is also simply an expected and normal feature of investment markets. Yes, volatility in markets for the uneducated investor can cause panic and rash decisions. All too often we see sudden drops in market prices being followed by panic selling or people buying in as markets sky-rocket. Now where else in your life would you do that? We help you to stay calm in volatile times and in the event of action being needed, we’ll guide you towards clear and sensible action. For example, this may be recognising the buying (not selling) opportunity in a falling market. We are your voice of expert reason. Sometimes we do very little Now where’s the value in that I hear you ask! We won’t try and justify our existence by constantly tweaking your portfolio just for the sake of it. Too often, all this does is it makes an adviser look very busy. Instead we develop a plan, identify the right solutions to achieve that plan and then let them get to work over the medium to long term. We’ll review it all regularly, but unless action will improve your situation, we won’t be taking any. We cover all bases You might come to us with a specific need. Maybe you want to build an education fund, save for retirement or protect your income in the event of ill-health. This is our “bread and butter”, making sure that you have the right life cover, income protection, pension and investment products in place is what we do every day. But we’ll also help you by sometimes simply offering an opinion and pointing you in the right direction. This may be in relation to household budgeting, your will or other areas of your personal finances. We love regular meetings with our clients, these are engaging and valuable encounters. But rest assured, there’s lots more going on behind the scenes.
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March 2023